BTNInventory Requirements

Microsoft Windows 9x, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP
WMI is required on the client.
Microsoft Access 2000 is required to view the database.
VB6 Runtime files are installed with the program.

License Summary:
This is shareware: You have 30 days to try the program on 20 computers. After that you need to register (pay for) or remove the program and databases.
See the BTNINV_LICENSE.TXT file for licensing terms.

Upon registering you will receive a new BTNDB.EXE program. You only need to replace this file.


Download includes BTNINV TCP/IP Client Scanner and BTNINV Data Listener Server.
Registration for the BTNINV Data Listener is $3 per unique SID in the database(s).
BTNINVIP Download - see the documentation’s section on setting up the IP info, it isn't long.


The database will keep up to 10 records per unique SID, the next entry will over write the oldest existing record.
The unregistered version is limited to 40 database records. This is enough for 2 entries for the 20 allowed test machines.
The registered version is limited only by Microsoft Access 2000 limits


Scanner v2.0                Sep 9, 2003
Added more WMI data to search for. Match the data collected by the new BTNINV Remote Scanner.
Provided feedback about what is being scanned.

Datalistener v1.3           Sep 9, 2003
Fixed issue when selecting Import or Delete button with nothing selected.
Clearer notification when import is finished.
Removed line feeds from data added to the database for cleaner data.
Added more queries to the database. Changed the reports.

ver 1.2             Jan 13, 2003
/fsid switch forces a new SID even if the BTNSID.INI exists.
/day=n switch will not do an inventory until n days have passed.
/delay=.n switch overrides the BTNIP.INI delay setting. If you are running from a shared drive this may prevent you from going pc to pc to change the delay if you need to.
Cleaned up GUI tab order and on screen help in the database program.

ver 1.1             Dec 22, 2002
Added a 40 records limit for the unregistered version. That is 2 enteries for the 20 test PC's over 30 days.
Now has a max of 10 records for the same SID. The oldest one will be replaced when adding the 11th record.
Added error checking for BTNIP.INI consistency.
Check for existence of SID field in database and the incoming data to support the SDK.
Added more queries to the database including a license count for unique SID's.
Client records the last time inventory run in BTNSID.INI
Client now has /sid switch to prompt user for the SID when BTNSID.INI doesn't exist.
Client now has /noexit switch to disable the Exit button and the X button to close the program.

ver 1.01           Dec 9, 2002
Fixed international settings issue with the delay time.
Fixed problem with not all data recording when [] were in the Uninstall section data.
Fixed problem not saving file to file when clicked on the database importer.